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Talking with the dogs!

Aug 24, 2021

Bonus Episode of Talking with the dogs! - Wild Horses finds Animal Communicator Liz Murdoch chatting with Marty Irby, Executive Director of the Animal Wellness Action about understanding the wild horse roundups by the BLM across Federal lands in the United States. They discuss facts about the history of the wild horses, the roundups, specifics actions people can do to prevent horse slaughter and international sale of these federally protected horses. Liz shares how her intuitive conversation with a wild horse named Old Man of the Onaqui gave her insights into the issues the horses are facing with traumatizing helicopter round ups, being separated from their horse families, and exactly what people can do to make a difference (passing the SAFE ACT HR 3355) rather than just feel sad for the horses.

Visit to learn more about efforts to save these horses.